
I take great pleasure in sharing my knowledge of trumpet and music with my students. I have a technical approach to trumpet and high note playing (one of my areas of expertise being a lead player). Certain things didn’t come easy for me on the horn, so I took it upon myself to learn exactly how the trumpet works. In my teaching, I convey the physics of the trumpet and how we play it with accessible terminology and methods.

Brian presenting his lecture “Breathing for Lead Players” at the Sam Houston State University Bill Watrous Jazz Festival

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One of the best parts of my job at Sam Houston is directing the jazz lab band. Big band jazz is my passion & i love getting my students as excited about it as i am. in the shsu jazz lab band, we focus on the fundamentals of jazz - swing, style, rhythm and basics of improvisation. We also put a heavy emphasis on sight reading. A skill students must have entering the professional world as a musician.

SHSU Jazz Lab Band sound checking pre-concert


In addition to my university teaching, i maintain a private studio of 30-35 students. The majority of these students compete in the TMEA all-state process and uil solo & ensemble COMPETITIONS. my students work extremely hard and consistently make the ATSSB, 5a & 6a region, area and all state bands.

With students from Willis High School after their performance at the 2018 Sam Houston State University Bill Watrous Jazz Festival


As part of the Houston jazz orchestra, i give clinics to jazz students across houston and SURROUNDING areas. these clinics are free to the schools as part of our community outreach initiative.

April 2019 clinic with the Waltrip jazz band students in preparation for their spring jazz festival performance with Wayne Bergeron.